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RG - Tymiara, 80 Warrior

Posted: 16 Oct 2024, 18:38
by Kharnix
Who is your character?

It is Tymiara, Arms Warrior, WoW Armory

We are wandering Azeroth since the old mists and danger from Draenor.

Who are you?

I'm John, Hanz, 30yo. from Czechia.


Besides actuall TWW first raid normal run, my last recent one was HC Castle Nathria in SL, PUG progress with AOTC after month, As a warrior. My other performance can be seen in high Mythic+++ in Shadwolands, season 1 though.
I was more seriously raiding back in Legion (all AOTC's with HC Argus kill in first week), in Emerald Nightmare started a small change as Enhancement Shaman and then did swap for rest as Mage Frost/Fire.

When I apply to the RC, it was back in Hellfire Citadel with Tymiara, a bit of (2) Mythic, more likely doing HC's prob. with guild. But I have not that much memories. *SAD FACE*

Raid Role

My DPS Melee role is simple: I show prepared, before raid I check the boss cheatsheets to remember the crucial things, right before boss I pick the most usefull talents I can swap, change trinkets for the fight (if they can be tuned from previous kill, I will try/do it). Always when comparing logs, I try to check better players and try to find the rotation-differences and ability counts etc and trying to find out, if I can do something differently and to use their best performance into my own.

Getting in shape mostly by theory-crafting, trying to find what can work by myself, and looking at just logs and statistics. Or some guides around but not much. Just to check the differences from current setup. Stats usually from sims.

Rotation based on things that will happen in fight, as if it's pull burst or next add pack burst, timer on boss % or time. So I won't use what I don't want to if the important thing will come in time that can break cooldowns and uptime of important spells that could be wasted jsut for overall DPS increase (DPS Check situation > DPS). With more XP from fights and tehory-crafting before progress, all is tuned if possible (sometimes).

Off-specs and Alternative characters

Arms now is the prio, or mostly remembered rotation-wise, Fury can be swappeg and learned without much problem I guess. Not-in-love to tank tho, maybe just scared but yeah, lack of motivation here.

Will have Mage in the future, Frost/Fire, I'm not an Arcane lover. If the meta will suit it. Probably for the next raid. But it looks positively.


Have no problem with anything, I just don't like to use mic to explain stuff even I would like to talk about it, since I can be lost in my own words and "theories" so it ends up more like talking "nonsense" for others' ears :D
On forums, discord etc. (w/e is needed) I'm fine to have discussion, long discussions about things around fights and stuff to get better overall. I like to talk about critic, my own of course, I love it sometimes .

Combat Logs

Tymiara - Arms Normal mode TWW + Shadowlands Castle Nathria HC and M+ first season, rest back in WoD only with Warrior - HFC.

Frost/Fire Mage in Legion
Enh Shaman Legion

Your UI

Not tuned super-perfectly still, filled with important stuff still.


Guild History

I had not stable community most of the time. Was here in TRC, and before in a guild on Runetotem and maybe Defias back then in Pandaland.
Mostly played solo and chaoticaly in last decade.

Raid availability

Avaiable after 18:00 when is needed untill 24:00 except some evening beside raid plans :>


You were the top on the server back then when I joined \o/

About you

Heey, what about some moves!
I started to run this year (summer) and it moved my other attention to raiding and play WoW after a while. Dont know if it is related but hey :D
Except that, I am more serious in bouldering (climbing walls) and climbing overall last years and liek that more and more.
Started to reading a bit of more serious books, since was lost in fantasy back then. And like to talk about our psychic and stuff around, being open about feelings, tho migh be shy to start with it, it can be dangerous sometimes.
To be truthful, is the key in these times. That's my view on thing in a nutshell I guess :) Be hones as much as possible :twisted:

I like oldschool forums, especially to write in them after so many years. Makes reality always nicer.
Then had fun with PC gaming just for years and years, nowadays it's kind of depleeted feeling from them, but TWW got me back for the winter as any other winter gaming do, so maybe it's all just more seasonal than before :)


Can make horrible mistakes in spelling or can messed with letters :oops:

Re: RG - Tymiara, 80 Warrior

Posted: 17 Oct 2024, 19:37
by Fahranya
Thank you for your (second) application! :D

I will be in touch to discuss a possible trial :)