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Exaliah - WoW Classic

Posted: 10 Jan 2020, 21:32
by Exaliah
Who is your character?
Exaliah, human rogue, level 59.

Who are you?
My name is Raluca, I'm 31, from Romania.


Guild history
I changed a few guilds, none of which were suited for me.

I had a nice conversation with Jimmble, who told me about this guild.

About you
I started playing WoW in WotLK. I had a break from it for a few years and I started to play again in Legion. Now I am only playing Classic. I'm a doctor, sometimes I am very busy and can't log in, but I also have periods of time when I play a lot.

Cute, but deadly.

Re: Exaliah - WoW Classic

Posted: 10 Jan 2020, 21:39
by Jimmble
Thanks for your application. Please, give us some time to review it.

Re: Exaliah - WoW Classic

Posted: 11 Jan 2020, 21:08
by Zephilie
Your application has been approved please poke officer for an invite.

Re: Exaliah - WoW Classic

Posted: 16 Jan 2020, 23:04
by Jimmble