Search found 11 matches

by imbajimba
16 Apr 2015, 10:35
Forum: Recruitment Archive
Topic: [RG1] BM/Survival Hunter
Replies: 6
Views: 4845

Re: [RG1] BM/Survival Hunter

Hey, have a few questions regarding your application, mainly the rotation section. First of alle saying that you prioritize barrage/steady focus differently depending on if the encounter benefits from it, kind of goes against what you state later, as the rotation you provided is an example of single...
by imbajimba
31 Mar 2015, 21:23
Forum: Recruitment Archive
Topic: RG1 Shadow Priest
Replies: 10
Views: 7123

Re: RG1 Shadow Priest

Looks very nice Vimali :)
by imbajimba
29 Mar 2015, 19:01
Forum: Recruitment Archive
Topic: [RG1] Mitsu, Ret/Holy Paladin.
Replies: 5
Views: 3618

Re: [RG1] Mitsu, Ret/Holy Paladin.

Looks very very nice, gj.
Will try to poke officers to speed up the process, looks pretty perfect, so might aswell get the recruitment process rolling as quickly as possible :)
by imbajimba
17 Mar 2015, 12:50
Forum: Recruitment Archive
Topic: RG1 Nippz, Warlock Application
Replies: 7
Views: 4129

Re: RG1 Nippz, Warlock Application

"Hunter: ... lin/simple
This is my hunter which i have done a little bit of raiding on, not massively but I fully understand each DPS spec."
Lone wolf Survival Kappa (Not quite convinced you FULLY understand each dps spec bro :))
by imbajimba
13 Mar 2015, 15:49
Forum: Recruitment Archive
Topic: [RG1] Felibarr, lvl 100 Survival Hunter
Replies: 12
Views: 7675

Re: [RG1] Felibarr, lvl 100 Survival Hunter

Yep :) multistrikes from arcane shot also apply serpent stings :D
by imbajimba
13 Mar 2015, 12:25
Forum: Recruitment Archive
Topic: [RG1] Felibarr, lvl 100 Survival Hunter
Replies: 12
Views: 7675

Re: [RG1] Felibarr, lvl 100 Survival Hunter

Very nice answering :) For bonus points, could you explain why, as you stated, "Simply put Arcane shot benefits more from Multistrike % than any other ability"? While it may not be better scaled than ANY other ability, it most certainly is true that with scales/beating heart procced, arcane shot val...
by imbajimba
12 Mar 2015, 18:03
Forum: Recruitment Archive
Topic: [RG1] Felibarr, lvl 100 Survival Hunter
Replies: 12
Views: 7675

Re: [RG1] Felibarr, lvl 100 Survival Hunter

Hello Feli, Imbajimba (Hunter) here, got a few questions regarding your application First of all BM is not all that bad in regards to being a "clunky RNG machine" There is some RNG involved in regards to focus fire stacks and potential 2-piece BW resets, but most of the time it's relatively fluid, p...
by imbajimba
07 Mar 2015, 19:39
Forum: Recruitment Archive
Topic: Mpsenai WW/BM monk (raider application)
Replies: 7
Views: 5692

Re: Mpsenai WW/BM monk (raider application)

Officers are slacky when it comes to applications, be pushy all you want, I think a reminder every once in a while is good for them (I'm only member) In regards to your application, could you provide us with your general "rotation", the way you prioritize your spells, in which order they take import...
by imbajimba
02 Feb 2015, 19:23
Forum: Recruitment Archive
Topic: imbajimba - hunter app
Replies: 8
Views: 6184

Re: imbajimba - hunter app

btw, incase you're intrested in that sort of thing, my previous GM of friends guild (Malefice) would be happy to vouch for me, I left Malefice on very good terms, the guys are awesome but we both kinda knew i wanted something more hardcore :) His ingame name is Zerethor (
by imbajimba
30 Jan 2015, 11:54
Forum: Recruitment Archive
Topic: imbajimba - hunter app
Replies: 8
Views: 6184

Re: imbajimba - hunter app

Was actually pretty poor performance by me in my own opinion, I forgot to turn off growl from my pet's action bar on butcher (Basicly made my pet die in the first 5 seconds of the fight) which dropped my dps about 2-3k, On brackenspore i don't know what happened, dealt 10k dps less than what i usual...
by imbajimba
26 Jan 2015, 23:28
Forum: Recruitment Archive
Topic: imbajimba - hunter app
Replies: 8
Views: 6184

imbajimba - hunter app

Who is your character? Imbajimba - hunter - survival/marksmanship - Who are you? My name is Martin, I'm 18 and I live in Denmark. I study at a place close to home and play video games pretty much whenever else except on friday...