[RG1] Snic, Lvl 110 Marksmanship Hunter

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[RG1] Snic, Lvl 110 Marksmanship Hunter

Post by Snic » 08 Feb 2017, 01:45

Who is your character?
My character is Snic, he is a Marksmanship and Beast Mastery Hunter at 891 ilevel (with a focus on MM) but I'm currently levelling my survival weapon too. http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/e ... nic/simple

Who are you?
I'm also Snic! My name is Stuart Nicolas, I'm from Oxford, a graduate from Coventry University in English and Journalism.

To which Raid Group are you Applying?
I'm hopefully aiming to be placed in raid group 1, as I prefer 3 day raiding to 2 day raiding.

I started playing the game when Highmaul opened, I played a Prot Paladin and we cleared HC 7/7 Highmaul when it was current content. Moved onto a Prot Warrior for Blackrock Foundry and again, 10/10 while current. During Hellfire Citadel I moved onto Hellfire Citadel debuting my Rogue, Sniccy (also on Emerald Dream) and we cleared 11/13 Mythic while it was current, before I took a break to wait for Legion. In Legion, with another guild, I cleared 7/7 EN Mythic with my Hunter while it was current, 3/3 HC ToV, and now 6/10 NH HC, though I do strive to clear more.

Raid Role
I'm a very vocal person, I like to make a contribution to 'make my mark' while raiding and feel I added to success in some way rather than just contributing via some numbers. While I don't tread on anyones toes, I try offer input wherever I feel it may help. I enjoy playing Hunters and Rogues due to the utility they bring and the mechanics they can put themselves forward for, I loved dealing with core mechanics in Xhul as my Rogue, and I do as much as possible to aid in clean mechanics, such as organising clearing rotations for brambles on Cenarius Mythic. I did some raid leading during EN Mythic, as our raid leader unfortunately fractured her back, and we managed to down Cenarius and Xavius just as she came back from hospital which was a fantastic experience. I normally check Trueshot Lodge discord when keeping up to date with my class, as well as offering input on there to others that are learning the class too. I also use Eyesofthebeast and Icy Veins, but I tend to like practising myself too.

Your Spec
I'm playing Marksmanship, my artefact level is 47 currently, my stat priority is as much Mastery as one can get, while focussing on Crit as a secondary stat. At the moment, both Mastery and Crit (and even haste I believe) weigh in as more valuable than Agility on a Marksmanship Hunter due to the synergy they have with the class. MM is very versatile so my talents change often, I switch between lock and load and true aim for pure single target vs single target with some cleave focus, and switch to piercing shot and explosive shot for pure aoe clusterfights. I currently have the best in slot legendary (boots) for Marksmanship which bolsters my single target massively, though am sadly yet to find the aoe bis legendary.

Off-specs and Alternative characters
I'm very comfortable on Beast Mastery, my artefact level is 42 on it, so not as far progressed as my Marksmanship but I enjoy and play both to a solid degree, my current trinkets are actually BIS for Beast Mastery as well, I often switch to it when more mobility is needed in fights. Survival still needs some work, but if it was for some reason really needed I'd put my all into levelling my weapon and mastering it.

Do you have any alts that would also be a viable option for raiding with us? Please add Armory links for other characters if so, and tell us to what degree they are/have been played.]
I have a Rogue, however, I tend to be a one character person, though I have been considering leveling and gearing an alt recently as I have quite a bit of spare time. My Rogue I don't think I'd be very confident playing on, as I'm not a fan of the direction they took the specs. http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/e ... cky/simple

Absolutely, I wish more guilds used their forums frequently and put a bit more effort into their websites. I have a Blue Yeti standing mic, I always use push to talk and I'm very comfortable and happy to contribute vocally in raids, positiveity and communication all add to a fantastic raid, and I've found on days where people talk less, there tends to be more frustration and arguments during progress.

Combat Logs
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/cL ... tF#fight=1
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/Dw ... v2#fight=1
There should be more available if needed, I picked some out randomly! Bare in mind, some fights I can tend to be a little lower due to performing mechanics (such as eating the feasts and dealing with scrubbers and Trillax) and that can tend to skew my rankings a little. Though I am not a perfect person and I do not wish to offer excuses!

Your UI
http://imgur.com/a/npZio Sorry! Its not in raid combat. Just imagine some DBM warnings and some extra specific boss weak auras plastered around the screen and you're all good. I have skada in the bottom right too just to note!

Guild History
I used to play competative Street Fighter, and started the game with some friends from that scene. We formed a guild called Aptitude on Kazzak, they're still going strong, I left at the end of Hellfire Citadel as a friend of mine left the guild after an arguement with the GM, and the GM edged people on in harassing him, which I don't think is right in the slightest. I joined VII and rerolled Alliance (They have Werewolfs, I mean come on) and I loved it, it was and still is a fantastic guild, they had two teams, and my team was ahead on progression. Eventually, some of the members decided they were unhappy with loot rules and formed their own guild, asking me to join them, but I could not understand their reasons at all and thought they were being selfish and quite frankly rude to our GM and RL who had invested alot of time and care in them, 24 members of my team left and I was the sole remaining member after our raid leader quit. Since then the other team has attempted to carry on, but progress had slowed, I found it hard to carry on after team white left as arguements were semi frequent and the raid environments had been far less fun for me, though they have picked up on progress and I'm very happy for them, I took a quick break from WoW and I'm looking for another guild now to start afresh with.

Raid availability
No difficulties at all, I can make raids, and I will also be online frequently for extra events as I work from home for now!

Sadly no one can, as I found you via Looking for Players - PVE forums.

About you
Well my names Stuart, as I mentioned. I enjoy competitive gaming such as Overwatch, Heroes of the Storm and League, and also more single player fantasy based games like Final Fantasy, Crash Bandicoot, Sonic, etc!
I'm 25, I graduated from Coventry and worked as a personal trainer for a few months, now I'm working from home copywriting academic articles, and though I'm looking for something more stable so I can get out a bit more, WoW is important to me, as I don't often get a chance to socialise, living in a remote part of Oxford and being very introverted.
I have a dog named Riley, a Spider named Misty, and I'm currently writing a novel called Viktor Falls, Viktor is a Werewolf (I really like Werewolves)

N/A, though I just want to say your guild seems fantastic, I'm looking for somewhere I can progress with a serious but enjoyable atmosphere, with a focus on accomplishing things together and having a society I can log in and be a part of.
Edit: I didn't realise how long winded it was! Sorry if the length and content is a bit excessive, hopefully I don't take up too much time.

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Re: [RG1] Snic, Lvl 110 Marksmanship Hunter

Post by Netzach » 08 Feb 2017, 02:04

Thanks a lot for putting a lot of work in your application. We gonna discuss it and get back to you hopefully on wednesday.
Take care!

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Re: [RG1] Snic, Lvl 110 Marksmanship Hunter

Post by Bowick » 09 Feb 2017, 00:41

<Recruited for trial!>
Alts: Lacky, Cadwick, Bordello, Filch, Asmo, Tchai

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Re: [RG1] Snic, Lvl 110 Marksmanship Hunter

Post by Bowick » 06 Apr 2017, 02:16

<hunter feigned death!>
Just PM if you ever return & want to revisit this.
Alts: Lacky, Cadwick, Bordello, Filch, Asmo, Tchai
